
In the publishing industry, the ISBN is an essential 13-digit identification number that allows distributors, retailers, printers, and consumers to find and order your title. The ISBN numbering system is used worldwide, and publishers around the globe identify their work in this standardized format. Think of your unique ISBN as your own personal license plate. If you don't want to set up your own publishing entity, you can purchase a number assigned to Krullstone Publishing that will be unique to your title. We are happy to answer any questions you may have about this option.

A bar code is a piece of artwork that is placed on the back of a book to allow automated scanning and point-of-sale transactions. All book retailers and wholesalers require books to display a bar code, which encodes your ISBN (International Standard Book Number) and your book’s retail price. At the point of sale in a store, the code is scanned and all related information about your title is accessed into the store’s sales system — identifying the price, subtracting a copy from inventory, etc.  It is an essential component.

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