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Many times a company conducts a branding exercise to identify a look and feel for the organization; however, in doing so they usually fail to consider the need to carry the branded image throughout the entire organization.  Branding, in terms of marketing and collateral materials, is only the beginning of the path to successfully integrate a branded image for your company.  The branding walk also includes standardization of training materials, resource affiliations, merchandise, apparel, product packaging, style guidelines, delivery standards, employee and sales associate presentation, customer support, etc.

Our branding services walk hand-in-hand with your internal team for the entire length of your path.  It is a collaborative and partnering process with unique and individualized solutions and ideas that are not reproductions of industry competitors but rather specific and tailored concepts to your brand, market presence, and image.

Branding is much more than a logo or a word mark.  It is not confined to the Corporate Office or the Executive Sales Team.  Taglines, product packaging, apparel, merchandising, collateral materials, and training materials all combine to tell the visual story of who and what you are.  We help you write that story across all aspects of your brand presence for all levels of individuals associated with your organization!