
Why does your book need professional editing services? Eliminating this process is like running with your shoes untied — you'll trip and fall. Books that are not edited properly fall and fail! Editing is a necessity if an author hopes to have any level of success. It takes teamwork to polish and produce a high-quality book. Krullstone has 40 years of editing experience to help you craft a book that could become tomorrow's bestseller. Give your book an opportunity to succeed!

  • Professional editing is money well spent. A well-edited book that is free of confused phrasing, grammatical errors, and misspelled words has a far greater opportunity to connect with its reader.
  • Authors need outside honest, objective feedback. While opinions of family and friends can be helpful, more often than not "glossing over" occurs. Professional editors provide impartial criticism freely. Systematic and thorough, they offer honest critiques on every level.
  • Editors work with authors to ensure they produce the best work possible. Editing is a lengthy process that involves many reviews that cover different angles so contradictions, inconsistencies, and irregularities can be addressed and corrected.
  • Editors are sounding boards for authors. Our editors take a bird's eye view of your novel and identify the elements that work and those that don't and then suggest necessary changes.
  • Editing is a skill that requires thoroughness. You'll see and feel the difference we make.
  • Krullstone's professional editors offer developmental, line, and copy editing, as well as proofreading services.

Your project will be charged for the actual time it takes. Without doing the work first, it is almost impossible to exactly quote how many hours a manuscript will take to edit. If your title needs a lot of work, the number of hours will be far greater than if it's in pretty good shape! If you have a budget — and most people do — you may find that it is sufficient to complete all of the editing needs required. On the other hand, you may find that your manuscript will fall short in the work it needs if there are not enough dollars to finish necessary editing. The advantage is that your title will get the editing it needs from start to finish. The disadvantage is that your budget is open ended.

From our experience, an 80,000 word manuscript needing grammatical copy editing only costs between $2300 and $2600. We are happy to read your first chapter to give you some idea of the amount of time we believe your manuscript will take in terms of hours. However, keep in mind that this will only be an estimate simply because some chapters may need considerably more editing time than others, especially if character development is weak, structure is poor, etc.

The industry standard for a manuscript page is 250 words. The advantage is that the price you pay will be known upfront. The disadvantage is that a per word rate only covers a couple of basic edits and does not factor in how publish-reading your manuscript is. If your title needs a great deal of work, you will not receive all of the editing necessary to make your title publish ready.

  • Developmental Editing — $45/Hour (about 2-3 pages/hour)
  • Line Editing — $40/Hour (about 2-3 pages/hour)
  • Grammatical Copy Editing — $30/Hour (about 5 pages/hour)
  • Proofreading Services — $25/Hour
  • Per Word Rate — $0.06
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