
Sometimes you just need something to get you over the hump! This selection of crystals is especially curated for the creative, with a variety of stones from tourmalated quartz to green calcite that are meant to boost your energy, increase your focus, and help you overcome creative block.

Included are Desert Diamond to promote wholeness, unifying your mental, emotional, and physical states; Carnelian to stimulate creativity, restore motivation, sharpen perception, enhance focus, and dispel negativity; Green Calcite to help dissolve rigid thought patterns, restore emotional balance, and relieve stress; Kyanite to promote good communication, as well as aid in self-expression and improvisation; and Tourmalated Quartz, a variety of quartz that features pin-like inclusions of black tourmaline, this stone combines qualities of both crystals. It’s said to energize, amplify focus, block negativity, and electromagnetic energy.

Due to natural variations, approximate sizes range from 0.6" to 1.6".

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