
You've got a book in your head, and you're ready to get it on paper. Writing is a challenge for even the most gifted writer. If your natural orientation is that you think faster than you type, BookSpeak™ could very well be for you. You'll find our program easier, quicker, and affordable. Even if you feel you don't have a lot of time to devote to the process, you'll be pleased with the results. Krullstone's methodology will help you get your book out of your head and on to paper. Our Basic package gives you the following:

  • You will be assigned a project editor who will interview you over the phone and get you started.
  • Your editor will send you everything you need to begin the process and work with you for up to twenty(20) hours over the course of your project.
  • After you’ve completed the initial process and have your book on tape, our editorial team will transcribe your book, turn it into a manuscript, and perform detailed editing, including making suggestions for improved continuity, character development, etc.
  • Once professional editing is complete and you've decided on your book's size, a member of our team will complete a basic interior format for you.

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