Experience Krullstone Business Programs
that Provide FeeFree™ Services to
Eliminate Credit Card Processing Costs
Through our Krullstone Partners Division, your business will have decades of expertise in the Banking, Merchant Acquisition, Merchant Processing, Risk Management, Underwriting, Compliance, Stored Value, and Electronic Transaction arenas at YOUR disposal.
Credit card processing has become increasingly expensive for all merchants, especially small businesses who have tighter budgets and typically bring in lower revenues compared to larger companies. Accepting credit cards is a necessary practice in today's business world. However, accepting credit cards adds to a business's financial burden with interchange (swipe) and other fees. These significantly impact an owner's bottom line in a negative way.
As a result, many businesses, both small and large, are looking for solutions that allow them to continue offering the service of accepting credit cards as a method of payment to their customers while avoiding the monthly fees associated with that practice.
Krullstone Partners has an answer to this dilemma with our Cash Discount Revenue Model Program. It's federally authorized in all 50 states.
Our Program is changing the way the credit card processing game is played. We have a wide range of services that are assured to save your business money.